After studying Economics at the University of Paris II Assas and Finance at Ecole Supérieure de Gestion Finance, Johann has worked exclusively in asset management and trading. He started his career in 1990 at SG.WARBURG in Paris as a bond trader. He then moved to Daiwa Europe Ltd in London where he set up the Interest Rates France department. He returned to SG.WARBURG in 1994 to develop the bank’s proprietary trading business. Founder of one of France’s first alternative management companies, Rivoli Fund Management, in 1997, he launched Seven Capital Management in 2006, applying the absolute return approach to traditional management.
A graduate of ESCP Europe (1986) and holder of a University Diploma in Wealth Management from Clermond Ferrant – AUREP, Renaud started his career at CCF as an Interest Rate Trader. After spending six years at SG.WARBURG, working in the Fixed Income department and holding several managerial positions, he opened an Italian government bond trading business in Milan for BNP Italy in 1995. In 2000 he took over the trading of all European 10-year government bonds in London. Renaud moved to Crédit Agricole Paris in 2003 to co-manage all government bond activities. He joined Seven Capital Management in 2007 as Founder and Chief Investment Officer.
A graduate of the Grand Séminaire International d'Ecône (Switzerland), with a DEA in Political Philosophy from the Sorbonne and a Master's in Law and Wealth Engineering from Paris-Dauphine, he began his career as CFO of Groupe Lucie Saint Clair, then spent 9 years in wealth management with Groupe Le Conservateur, before joining Seven Capital as Managing Partner in 2024. Today, he manages the CARDINALIS Investment Fund, a hedge fund reserved for Seven Capital Wealth Management clients, with an absolute performance approach.
Préservation du capital, disponibilité du capital et maintien du pouvoir d’achat avec un objectif de rendement annualisé égal à l’inflation. Risque : recul potentiel autour de 4 %.
Préservation du capital et amélioration du pouvoir d’achat avec un objectif de rendement annualisé supérieur à l’inflation de + 1 %. Risque : recul potentiel autour de 6 %.
Préservation et valorisation du capital à moyen terme avec un objectif de rendement annualisé de + 6 %. Risque : recul potentiel autour de 10 %.
Il fonctionne globalement de la même manière que l'assurance-vie, mais comporte cependant trois différences essentielles.
Le Compte-Titre est, comme son nom l’indique, un compte sur lequel vous avez la possibilité de détenir des titres ou des valeurs mobilières